Why Use a Virtual Attorney?

Why Use a Virtual Attorney For Your Will or Trust?

Convenience is the #1 reason for most of our clients. Even if you reside near our office, why not save the trip and meet from the comfort of your home? If you live far from Fresno, we can “meet” virtually without travel time.

But, there’s more. If you are here reading this page, you are looking online for resources that provide Wills, Living Trusts and other estate planning documents such as a Powers of Attorney and Advance Health Care Directives.

Many people are unaware of just how effective and efficiently estate planning can be done virtually. They think there are just two options:

  • Meet with an attorney, in-person, multiple times, in his or her office; or –
  • Do it yourself with one of the online robotic forms and take your chances that the output will suffice and that you didn’t miss anything, when the documents spit out of your printer!

For people who want online convenience but also the confidence that an attorney is designing and drafting customized documents just for you, there IS a better way. You can:

  • See the attorney’s face via online video conference and get all your questions answered in a “live” meeting;
  • Schedule virtual meetings at your pace and on your schedule (within reason). We are more flexible in setting virtual meetings early or late in the day, but we don’t work in the middle of the night;
  • Receive information on optional document provisions that are not offered within Do It Yourself forms;
  • Make more informed design decisions. Choose the options that are right for you, with confidence; and,
  • Get finished legal documents that are drafted by an attorney who knows you and has your best interests in mind.

How it Works >