How it Works

Simply stated, creating a will or trust is the process of identifying:

  • What do you have?
  • What do you want to do with it?
  • What should you do to make it happen?

That may sound easy, but most people don’t know what they don’t know about estate planning options. Your virtual attorney will be your sounding board and coach, asking you questions, answering yours, and making recommendations about which options should be included in your plan.

The typical timeline for our virtual meetings looks like this:

Get Acquainted Meeting
Design Meeting
Signing Meeting
Funding Meeting

The Get Acquainted Meeting is the free 15-minute consultation you will receive, when you schedule it below. If you decide to move forward with Wright & Wright, the subsequent virtual meetings will be scheduled at a pace that works for you.

The Get Acquainted Meeting is really FREE. No cost or obligation, and no strings are attached. What’s to lose? Even if you decide we are not right for you, it will be an informative meeting. If you decide we are a good fit for you, a price will be quoted for your approval before any commitments are made.

Why Not DIY? >