What we do.
We do more than create documents. In fact, creating documents has been greatly simplified with the advent of computers and programs. The most important thing we do is counsel clients so that we can assist with the creation of a document that gives voice to their values and expectations.
A big part of our job is to educate people as to the many options and opportunities that exist in a well-crafted estate plan.
Why we do it.
In our experience, most people have no idea how poorly their estate plans will work. The real tragedy is that most problems do not arise until after it’s too late to fix them. We have a passion for educating people about the pitfalls of traditional estate planning and helping them navigate the many estate planning challenges presented by our increasingly complex legal landscape.
There are many areas where estate plans fail. Some of the more common failures include:
- Probate court hearings happen OFTEN after the death of a Trustmaker, even where a living trust was created with the specific objective of avoiding probate.
- Unintended heirs receive property that should have gone to someone else.
- When parents suffer a cognitive disability, adult children fail to manage assets properly because there are no guidelines or safeguards. Sometimes siblings just get mad at each other. Sometimes they sue!
- Retirement accounts pass to the estate of the deceased, or “wrong” beneficiaries where income taxes must then be paid all at once.
- Minor children get an outright inheritance, which may result in a court ordered guardianship.
- Disabled beneficiaries receive their inheritance the wrong way, causing loss of valuable government benefits.